Friday, January 1, 2010


Oh to be a bird,
free to fly without responsibility.
I long to be a bird.

With the new year many people start making their resolutions.
Well I never really followed that tradition.
This year instead of committing to losing 10 lbs. or quit biting my nails I have decided to do something a little different.

This is going to be a year of preparation for me.
I plan on preparing myself financially, emotionally, and mentally.
(but mostly financially)

The plan is to move to California.
Yes, California in the spring of 2011.

I thought I was happy with MSUM and I was, because it wasn't New Prague. I have only been studying there for one semester but I don't feel like I am accomplishing anything. I feel like my life is standing still.
I feel stuck.
The art program is great at MSUM and to my surprise I did very well my first semester, but there is something missing. I don't know what it is, or if I will be able to find it in California but I am going to try.

MSUM offers a national student exchange program where I can pick a university in the U.S. that offers my major and is apart of this national exchange thing. I can study there and pay in state tuition or MSUM's tuition (I still need to research the details).

So I am going to the University of California - Northridge!

Once I get back to school after break I am going to contact the NSE person and make it official.
I really think this is just what I need. MN will always be my home and forever have my heart but I think I am ready for a massive change.

It is time for a change of scenery and get my life off and running.


  1. That's incredible!
    It's crazy---because when i was a senior we had to pick out 5 things we thought would be our dream careers, and i picked a film producer...and then we had to find a school for it and that's the college i looked into :)

    HOPE YOU LOVE IT! Now's the time to live your dreams!

  2. NSE is awesome! You must do it. I'm an NSE Coordinator at the Univ. of New Hampshire. Our students LOVE CSUN!! DO IT!

  3. Awna - Thank you! I am really excited. That is so crazy that you were looking into that school. I am really looking forward to it :)

    Hannah - Come with me.

    Paula - Nice to meet you :) I am glad to hear CSUN is well liked. That is even more reassuring. Thank you.


Leave something behind...