Tonight I went out to eat with some very good friends from high school.
It was really great to see them and catch up.
Being in their presence made me realize how much I have changed since graduating only one year ago.
So I thought I would make a list of things that I have noticed about myself that has changed.
(oh and just so we are on the same page, I love all of these changes)
1. My confidence has skyrocketed.
2. My clothing style has become more fashionable.
3. I am more conscience of how I spend my money.
4. I am more adventurous.
5. My music library has increased in size and variety.
6. I appreciate things more.
7. I am more of an 'out of the box' thinker.
8. I challenge myself more.
9. I have tattoos.
10. My priorities are in order.
And even through those fairly significant changes, I am still me.