Thursday, June 2, 2011


I think I may have a problem.

I've only been home for a little under 2 weeks & I'm already planning my next big adventure.
Going abroad this time.
I've wanted to travel to Europe ever since I saw Roman Holiday as a kid.
Well to get to the point; I've got my sights set on the University of St. Andrews in Scotland for fall semester 2012.
How awesome is that?!
Through my experience in California I definitely gained the confidence to travel and be on my own far from home.
It was harder than I thought it would be.
It's sort of silly to think about having confidence in something like traveling but it is a really scary thing to do especially alone.
But I'm not scared anymore.
It is a kind of need that I have now.
An addiction.
I need to see things and be in different places.
I will always consider the midwest my home, but I've just got to see all that this planet holds
& if not now...when?

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