Monday, May 2, 2011


Long Beach, Queen Mary, modern/deco hotel, hot tub, fluffy pillows, Disneyland, double-scoop ice cream cones, tea cups, burritos, Manhattan beach, bike ride, sunburn, waves, seafood, sunset, photos, blue berry muffins, shopping, & great company.

Greetings bloggers!
I hope you had a lovely weekend.
I did.
My parents & little sister came to CA to visit.
We had a ton of fun.
Everything is better when they're around.


  1. this makes me very happy. my new obsession with stumbling has made me find some very inspirational shots to be added to our inspiration roster/shopping spree that i hope we get to go on prior to shooting these... LOVE.

  2. Great! I cannot wait to collaborate. Excited is an absolute understatement to the way I am feeling about our summer plans :)


Leave something behind...