Sunday, February 27, 2011

Slightly Pathetic.

Tom Hanks, Mila Kunis, Justin Timberlake (hot), Amy Adams, Michelle Williams, Donald Trump, Matthew McConaughey (hotter), Jennifer Hudson, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, Nicole Kidman, Mark Wahlberg (hottest), Kevin Spacey, Sandra Bullock.
^I totally saw all of them today!^
Yeah, I am one of those people that waited behind a tall fence (like a caged animal) for hours to get glimpses of celebrities (who barely acknowledged our existence).

But hey, it was pretty cool to actually be there.


  1. and to think..i watched it in my tiny apartment in my crumby armchair. :) love you!

  2. That sounds a lot more relaxing than my experience haha! I wish you were here :)


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