Sunday, October 4, 2009

Searching for...


  1. check out micheal kenna. he typically shoots at night. it's film work. and it's stunning. you can't ususally tell he shoot's mostly at night but he does..we learned about it in class. it made me really inspired. anway, i have a quesiton, hannah mentioned you might know the answer... when i look at my pictures on a PC they look way darker than how they look on my MAC. why? what's it mean? what can i do?'s just really freaking me out. i'm kinda panicing...your thoughts?

  2. Hey Claire! I am sorry about not commenting back sooner. I didn't really know people actually read my blog lol. But I am not sure about your MAC to PC problem. Has it always done this or has it just started recently? That is really weird. Maybe it is just because MACs are (obviously) different than PCs? I don't know what to tell you. I will try to look it up and see if I can answer your questions.

    Thanks for reading my blog...yours is awesome btw :)


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