Yesterday I found out that my mom passed out...again.
Not many people know this but about a year ago or maybe longer, she passed for a long time in our bathroom at home. I have never been so terrified. She got a special monitor put into her chest because the doctors didn't know why this was happening to her. They thought it was something to do with her heart but they were not positive because it could have been something in her brain too. So when she passed out at work yesterday the monitor picked up the problem.
Her heart stopped for about 10 seconds.
Good thing she works at a hospital that specializes in Cardiology. Last night she was able to get a pace maker put in which will sort of shock her heart if she ever passes out again. After I found out what was going on I had the worst feeling in my stomach. I wanted so badly to be with her just to comfort her and put my nerves to rest. I just wanted to hear her voice, smell her Miss Cherie Dior perfume, and give her a hug.
After her surgery I got calls from my step dad and a text from my oldest brother, Dan, saying that all is well and she will be home in the morning. I am so relieved. The doctors know what is wrong with her and so now they can fix her.
P.S. Today is her birthday.
I love you Mom.